Alabama Governor’s Emergency Relief Fund (GERF)

The Alabama Governor’s Emergency Relief Fund (GERF) is a “fund of last resort” for the unmet needs of families and individuals working to recover from disasters in our state. There is a specific process for application through local Long Term Recovery Committees (LTRCs). LTRCs are set up in counties/regions to locate recovery resources, assess and confirm needs, and grant funding for rebuild and recovery. LTRCs request funding from various sources, including Community Foundations and GERF. The GERF has provided funding for Hurricane Katrina 2005, April 2011 tornadoes, and various disaster recovery efforts in our state. The Governor’s Office of Volunteer Services (GOVS) and Alabama Emergency Management Agency (AEMA) co-chair the GERF and the United Ways of Alabama is the fiscal agent. United Ways of Alabama is the fiscal agent for the GERF and works with a Steering Committee of statewide partners including government officials appointed by the Governor of Alabama.

To donate to the Alabama Governor’s Relief Fund via credit card or mail donations to:

Governor’s Emergency Relief Fund
8 Commerce Street, Suite 1140
Montgomery, AL 36104


For Long Term Recovery Committees and Community Storm Shelter requests, see below.

GERF Policy and Forms:

GERF Policies and Procedures Updated Feb 2019

A1 – LTRC List
A2 – Request for Funding Budget Proposal
A3 – Request for Funding Review and Checklist
C – Application and Distribution Record
D – Service and Expenditure Summary Report 2016
E – Cumulative Distribution Record  – This form should be completed and submitted with application request.
F-Exception-Request (2)

Community Emergency Shelter Application