A-RESET (Alabama Resources for Enrichment, Self-Sufficiency, and Employability Training )

United Ways of Alabama, UWAL, delivers the A-RESET (Alabama Resources for Enrichment, Self-Sufficiency, and Employability Training) program in partnership with the Alabama Department of Human Resources and several partners including:
A Cut Above the Rest Training Facility
Aid To Inmate Mothers
Alabama Goodwill Industries Birmingham
Build Up
Crisis Center, Inc.
Crisis Service of North AL
Goodwill Gulf Coast
Hands On River Region
Hope Inspired Ministries
Jimmie Hale Mission
Lifelines Counseling Services, Inc.
Salvation Army Birmingham
That’s My Child
United Way of Central Alabama
United Way of Etowah County
United Way of Northwest Alabama
United Way of West Alabama
Wiregrass 211
Wiregrass Rehability Center, Inc.
The Alabama Network of Family Resource Centers and the Alabama Community College System are also A-RESET providers and work with United Ways of Alabama partners when applicable.
The purpose of A-RESET is to enable Food Stamp recipients to become more self-sufficient through participation in a wide variety of job search, training, education, and work experience activities.
Who Is eligible
The UWAL partnership will assist in job search and making matches with possible employers. A payment of $100 ($50 paid semi-monthly) is received, when the client reports that they are participating in the E&T (Employment and Training) component of the A-RESET program to his/her county DHR.
UWAL partners provide several services through A-RESET, including:
- Work Experience – A work component designed to improve the employability of participants through actual work experience and/or training and to enable them to move into regular employment. For example:
- On-the-job Training (OJT) – A work placement made through a contract with an employer or registered apprenticeship program sponsor in the public, private nonprofit, or private sector.
- Supervised Job Search – A component that has participants making a number of inquiries to prospective employers over a specified period of time.
- Pre-Apprenticeship/Apprenticeship – A combination of on-the-job training and related instruction in which workers learn the practical and theoretical aspects of a skilled occupation.
- Internship or Work Experience – a planned, structured learning experience that takes place in a workplace for a limited period of time.
- Educational Programs – Programs or activities that improve basic skills or otherwise improve employability by expanding job search abilities. Federal funding is only available for educational services that have a direct link to helping SNAP recipients to get a job or get a better job.
- Allowable Educational Programs – Basic/Foundational Skills Instruction, such programs include Adult Basic Education (ABE), basic literacy, and high school equivalency.
- Ready to Work (RTW) – This program is focused on meeting the current needs of Alabama businesses and industries. RTW core curriculum includes six training modules and ACT Work Keys.
- Manufacturing Skills and Standards Council (MSSC) Training Initiative – MSSC certification is an industry-led training, assessment and certification system. The two MSSC Certifications offered are Certified Production Technician (CPT) and Certified Logistics Technician (CLT).
- Career/Technical Education Programs or Other Vocational Training.
- English Language Acquisition – English as a second language.
- Integrated Education and Training (IET)/Bridge Programs – Programs that provide adult education and literacy activities concurrently and contextually with workforce preparation activities.
- Work Readiness Training – Intensive programs that include skill assessment and educational remediation services that prepare individuals for the workforce.
- Self–Employment Training – A component that improves the employability of participants by providing training in setting up and operating a small business or other self–employment
- WIOA – This component includes job training services that are developed, managed, and administered by State agencies, local governments, and the business community under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Activities include basic skills training (GED, literacy), occupational skills training, on–the–job training, work experience, job search assistance, and basic readjustment services.
- Job Search Training – A component that strives to enhance the job search skills of participants by providing instruction in job seeking techniques and increasing motivation and self–confidence.
- Job Retention – This component requires support services be provided for a minimum of 30 days, but not to exceed 90 days to individuals who have secured employment. Only individuals who have received other employment/training services under the A-RESET program are eligible for job retention services. Job retention reimbursements must be reasonable and necessary and can include clothing required for the job, equipment or tools required for a job, relocation expenses, transportation, and childcare.
Once someone find the right job, the UWAL can provide Employment Retention Services to follow-up with the newly-employed individual for a minimum of 90 days.. Retention services may include on-the-job coaching, troubleshooting any issues that arise with the employee or employer and continually helping to remove obstacles to success.
A-RESET Providers can help with various license/training programs such as:
- Pipe Fitting
- Heavy equipment training and certification
- CDL (Commercial Drivers License)
- HVAC (Heating Ventilation And Cooling)
- MSSC CPT (Manufacturing Skill Standard Council)
- Medical Billing & Coding
- CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant)
- CMA (Clinical Medical Assistant)
- Phlebotomy
- Pharmacy Tech
- and many more